mardi 21 septembre 2010

[High-tech] le Nokia N8 retardé !

Encore une fois le Nokia N8 est retardé, mais de quelques semaines :p

Voici une communiqué officiel :
"The amount of preorders has exceeded our expectations and we are working hard to deliver the Nokia N8 to the market. In some markets, we had planned to start delivering the Nokia N8s to our pre-order customers by the end of September. To ensure a great user experience, we have decided to hold the shipments for a few weeks to do some final amends. We're thrilled with the response that we've had to the Nokia N8 and assure everyone who've pre-ordered it already that it'll be worth the wait! We expect consumers to get their Nokia N8s during October."

Donc pour résumer, il a été retardé à cause des pré-commandes qui ont dépassé les prévisions.

Ah ok, ça commence bien, mais bon il sera dans pas longtemps disponible plus que quelques jours pour se faire un verdict final :)

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